
Information pursuant to legal regulations

Mühlweg 33, 90518 Altdorf, Germany
Telephone +49 (91 87) 9 30-0

Oliver Gold
Oguz Tekin
Ender Erat

Supervisory Board:
Pascal Vanhalst, Lendelede, Belgium - Chairman
Timo Stahl, Rückersdorf, Germany
Rainer Schmidt, SUSPA GmbH, Altdorf

Company headquarters: 90518 Altdorf, Germany
Trade register no.: 16808 VAT ID no.: DE 197 218 429
Tax number: 241/117/70529
managed at the District Court of Nuremberg - Trade register no.: 16808
© Copyright 2017 SUSPA GmbH

Person responsible for content (according to § 55 para. 2 RStV):
E-mail: info(at)
TYPO3 agency: bgm websolutions GmbH & Co. KG

Copyrights & Trademarks

The use of the name SUSPA in advertisement in connection with the processing of this documentation requires the express written consent of SUSPA GmbH (SHG). The figures on this site are the property of SUSPA GmbH, or are approved exclusively for use on this site, or were provided to SHG for use. Unauthorized use is not permitted.

Picture credits: Proof of the copyright


SUSPA GmbH has not checked sites that may be linked to, is not responsible for the content of third party sites nor lends itself to them. SHG assumes no liability or guarantee for the content of websites to which our website directly or indirectly links. Visitors follow links to such pages at their own risk and use them according to the respective applicable conditions of use of the corresponding websites. Only the operator of linked sites is responsible for their content.


SUSPA GmbH is aware of the importance of the security of the managed data. Technical and organizational measures are used to ensure the highest security standards. The safety measures are constantly updated according to the latest technological developments.